Brief Answer to General AI Fearmongers
General AI threatens not a humankind as a whole but a fraction of it. Even if the fraction covers 99% of all living people. There is still a fundamental difference between humans and machines today. The difference is in an achievable level of abstract thinking. The top level is creativity.
Creativity is the highest and only distinguishing intellectual ability hardwared in humankind being, nevertheless, practically inherent in a few individuals only – mental giants such as Leonardo or Stephen Hawking. Creativity implies instant grasping both verbalized and non-verbalized patterns that compose an indefinite sphere beyond mundane problems of the majority.
The sphere is characterized by spontaneity along with an ability to raise new meaningful questions. AI-based machines will reach such a level of intelligence only if they arbitrarily are able to move to quantum states that is impossible for silicon-chip-based computers. Although some AI algorithms started writing poems and composing music today, this is not creation. This is just compilation whatever complexity it reflects.
And since quantum computing beyond 24 qubits is unlikely expected in the foreseeable future, both true artists and actual scientists may sleep in peace:)