Gender unification as a fake resolution of social conflicts

Konstantin Rovinskiy
5 min readNov 3, 2019


When female characters on the screen behave like males in almost all aspects of a thriller action we understand that the current trend towards gender neutrality is biased in favour of men. This is for a reason. Male characters behaving like females would look too grotesque and funny. Whatever final objective the fighters for gender equality might pursue, the result will be far from a sexless utopia. It seems obvious that instead of equality of men and women we will achieve dozens of amorphous creatures who will think, act, look, and talk like men. They all are moving towards masculinity and feminism is heading this movement.

Before figuring out why that male-biased gender unification outweighs any other alternative we should realize why we are looking for gender unification in general.

The inter-sex conflict is too fundamental to be ignored whatever topic in social relations is considered. We as humans start feeling this conflict at a very young age. All cultural phenomena are based on a biological stratification of humans where two sexes always confront each other. The dialectic between unity and diversity determines from which angle each individual sees everything around. The very process of distribution of roles in every society starts from figuring out a proportion between all available male and female species. There are two confronting camps having different interests. And a very mechanism of sexual reproduction makes both camps look for reconciliation. If humans could carry on the genetic line without sexual relationships, we would live on an utterly different planet today.

Various occult teachings describe androgynous pre-humans as ideal creatures who had no conflicts due to their double-sex nature. They are depicted as happy living beings who combine both sexes in one body. Such kind of integrity is unachievable for the historically existing humans in principle. A faint approximation of the inner peace inherent in a complete being was always reached through deprivation of interactions with opposite gender. Various saints known over the whole human history practiced celibacy to master super-human spiritual instances. However, such a practice can not exclude the fundamental gender conflict from society. Something more powerful than yoga in groups and individual celibacy is needed to deceive our nature.

The unprecedented intellectual force channelled towards gender unification is unfolding before our eyes in the form of various movements aimed at diminishing both biological sex differences and social gender confrontation. Global propaganda of LGBT lifestyle, aggressive feminism, intolerance to gender-specific pronouns in content, unisex fashion, along with some other phenomena which are still too ambivalent to be openly mentioned in the present text all are aimed at making gender differences insignificant for social interactions.

Any kind of brainwashing could bring desirable results if a certain idea is indoctrinated to a certain critical mass of people over a certain period of time. Homosexuality became a norm in the Western World after just a couple of decades of broadcasting of relevant content through mass media. Scientists (in many cases the notorious “British scientists”) keep finding more and more confirmations that a choice of gender does not depend on any genetic prerequisites. You are free to select who you are in sexual relationships. Politicians are supporting it with a human-rights discourse.

It seems nobody can argue that the huge efforts applied to gender unification will result in what can be called a multi-gender society rather sooner than later. Nevertheless, the conflict will unlikely disappear — it will take more covert forms. And the reason for it is hidden in biases of the primary social engineers who started designing the transition to a multi-gender society. It has so happened historically that the majority of those engineers were males. Moreover, white heterosexual males constituted a significant part of them. Even if they sincerely strived to overcome their own cultural heritage, its invisible projection was present on everything they were doing back then. That’s why we see various female heroes demonstrating explicit masculinity on the screens today.

Feminists can celebrate their victory even now — they achieved their final objective. The contemporary Western culture evangelizes female leaders whose behaviour, appearance, and discourse mimic males in most aspects. But what’s next? How can such a cripple mimicry change the masculine values that keep maintaining a status quo in our societies? What principle difference does it make when female heroes instead of males propagate violence and warfare via the blockbusters we watch? Has this world become more supportive, more elegant, more compassionate with the emergence of feminism?

It seems feminism was deliberately created to erase a female mindset from a modern context completely. What we see now is nothing but a typical masculine discourse in the performance of the male-looking ladies. It can be even assumed that feminism per se is a highly camouflaged operation developed by some radical misogynists for bringing humanity to a unified thought standard — the standard of males no matter which biological sex inherent in those who practice it. To whom do the contemporary feminists look up in everything they do? To males, of course. But the contemporary males look up to males as well. Hence, everybody should follow only male behavioural patterns.

We are approaching the so-desired gender unification, indeed. But the final version of a gender-neutral individual will most probably act like today’s male. Any different behaviour is hardly imaginable once nothing hints at a reincarnation of a female archetype in the very discourse of activists of gender equality. The next logical step in unifying everyone with a male model would come to some bioengineering solutions able to spare women from natural pregnancy and childbearing. Mass adoption of test-tube babies will completely equalize women and men. To put it more precisely, nothing female will be left for humans at all — everyone will become actually males whatever gender designation can be created for a new seemingly neutral gender.

Every psychologist knows that sweeping conflict under a rug can never help resolve it. The same concerns our present topic because the inter-sex conflict won’t disappear. The natural males will never accept the male-mimicking females as equal. The latter will always remain “semi-males” and, therefore, “semi-humans” for the naturally born “high-grade” males. Two new confronting camps will start a slightly modified opposition where no reason for reconciliation in the form of sexual reproduction will be available any more. What will humanity benefit from the present gender unification then?



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